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Internet / AI Technology University (ITU/AITU)
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Corporate AI Tutor | Investment | Collaboration and Safety in AI

Enhance Enterprise Services with Semantic Engine and Transform Data Flow into Knowledge.

Knowledge Domains and Graph Models:

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To expand knowledge tree
Suggest a new knowledge domain name (one word):

Corporate Knowledge presented as Ontology Graph is actively used in Decision Making Processes.
Create well-structured and connected training materials

Introduce the training course name

Provide comma-separated main training topics and then follow the system instructions.

Create a blueprint / structure for a new custom model
This will create a reliable mechanism to classify a custom knowledge domain.
The program will start a conversation helping to build your specific custom semantic graph.
If there is an available ontology (do research and adapt your model to an existing one!) then it will be possible to add your specific part.
Describe a situation or report an event

Then report related details.

Describe a corporate business model.

Provide business name, then main products and services with underlying workflow.

Then provide the main business components, products and services.

Personal Knowledge Domain
Provide the main personal subjects.

BASE and Conversational Semantic Decision Support in the book "IT of the future"
Talk to me
Do not expect miracles, especially in the beginning, but the system is getting smarter with every conversation.
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